Fill out the form(s) below to instantly download a digital copy of our mini-catalogs. They make a great reference tool for our Quick Order pad and make it easy to browse multiple product categories. Be sure to refer to product pages on our website for the most up-to-date pricing and availability.
Prefer a printed copy? Please contact your account rep or give us a call at (800) 558-6684.

Orthodontic Products
Explore over 70 pages of best-in-class orthodontic products including brackets, archwires, buccal tubes, springs, accessories and more!

Browse 20+ pages of our best-selling toothbrushes in an easy-to-digest format. Quickly find brushes organized by type of practice.

Infection Control Products
Discover our best-in class infection control solutions. Everything from gloves and masks to surface disinfectants and more!

Restorative Catalog
This 42-page catalog provides an overview of our extensive line of carbide burs, diamond burs, finishing & polishing products and more!

Preventive Products
Discover our wide range of preventive solutions including toothbrushes, toothpaste, fluorides, prophy angles and everything in between.